The journey of a lifetime begins with one step. Let us take you to someplace entirely different.
Our locations are both impressive and enjoyable. Exceptional CEU coaching, all-inclusive personal chefs, and pampering make our retreats the can’t-miss events in CEU credentialing.
E3 Retreats was created to provide the most relaxing, productive, and stress-free learning environment possible. We know that typical CEU courses and conferences are boring and unenjoyable, so why not make sure that fellow nurse practitioners have the best time while advancing their careers!?
All that matters to us is that our fellow nurse practitioners feel comfortable at our retreats. We want you to enjoy your training and their conversations, and are happy to invite your friends and colleagues to relax at our retreat locations and enjoy learning in style!
We specialize in arranging enjoyable learning for CEUs. We can help you dive into your learning without a care. Your continued education should be successful, no matter what you aim for.
Our CEU credit courses are nothing like the ordinary! We offer the all-inclusive services that allow you to relax, just like a resort, but without the conference rooms.